The Invisible Forest / La Fôret Invisible 
30 minute composition about perceiving the invisible. Related to Iceland’s Huldufolk, or hidden people, who can make themselves visible at will. Stones are often seen as Huldufolk in Iceland, or dwelling places of elves, and "if you are not sure if someone is a Huldufolk, if you see them come and go out of a rock, you know". 

Based on the Icelandic folk song Amma Raular í Rökkrinu by Ingunn Bjarnadóttir (1905-1972), in which a lyric says “no one knows where the wishing stone lives” reveals a quest to find something hidden. Searching for something that we don’t know exists, finding new paths through the unknown invites different ways of looking at the same obstacles in order to be set free from repeating patterns, and enter into new realities.
Sccreenshots of live visuals:

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